Aléa is an experimental design and material research studio based in Paris. Miriam Josi (CH) and Stella Lee Prowse (AU) co-founded Aléa in 2021 after completing a Master of Science in Nature Inspired Design at Ensci-les Ateliers.
Their work explores growth, decay and waste, with the goal to develop regenerative methods of fabrication while honoring beauty in the process. Situated at the intersections of design, art, biology, and agriculture, Aléa’s practice blurs the boundaries between disciplines.
Their ongoing research Back to Dirt explores a unique myco-fabrication process that utilizes mycelium, the filamentous structure of fungi, and local waste substrates to grow objects in soil. The Boisbuchet Residency Award allowed them to apply their process at full scale, where they grew the first underground myco-fabricated chair. Their process bypasses the need for sterilization, electricity and plastic moulds, examining the potential of mycelia’s capacities to remediate soils in situ and contribute to nurturing biodiversity.
Their research is supported by FAIRE Paris, Artagon ENOWE, and the City of Paris and has been presented at Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Amour Vivant Biennale, Fondation Thalie is Brussels, FRAC Orleans, Kadist and Galerie Sainte Anne in Paris, Design Museum and Zéruì Gallery in London as well as Paris and Milan Design Week.
2023 Aléa launched the Aléa Garden Lab, a long term transdisciplinary applied research project for bio-inclusive* practices at Domaine de Boisbuchet.
Aléa’s mission is to establish a deeper relationship between the natural and built environment by designing autonomous place-based systems for a post-fossil fuel future. Aléa’s aim is to take a critical approach to biodesign to avoid a trajectory of exploitation and control of nature and to instead imagine new ways of making that interact and share control and benefits with the other-than-human.
Miriam Josi & Stella Lee Prowse
Aléa's work is based on research, transmission and collaboration, collectively fundamental and supporting each other.
Research: Aléa’s applied research encompasses material experimentation and the development of regenerative processes and technologies.
Transmission: Considering education as key to transform design into a tool for change, Aléa’s aim is to share their methodology and approach. Miriam Josi and Stella Lee Prowse lecture and teach at various leading design schools and institutions.
Collaboration: Project-based collaborations with other designers, brands, companies and institutions materialise in reimagined and evocative materials, processes, systems, installations, set designs, objects and images.
Collectible, Brussels 13—16 March
MATTER and SHAPE, Paris 7-10 March
Material Acts: Experimentation in Architecture and Design, Craft Contemporary, LA
Myco-fabrication workshop Aléa x Park, Domaine de Boisbuchet
Conference Echelle 1 ENSA Paris Est, Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Paris
EARTHING, Haeckels House, London Craft Week, London
Silva Systems, Design Academy Eindhoven
Regenerative Assembly, CIVA, Bruxelles
Regenerative Futures, Fondation Thalie, Bruxelles
Glissements, Fondation Kadist, Paris
Design Vivant, Académie du Climat, Paris
Transformando la piedra, Guadalajara
Bloody Lipstick, Blooming dirt, Zéruì, London
Matières Vivantes, Pavillon de L'Arsenal, Paris
Nothing really matters, Domaine de Boisbuchet
Interior Ecologies, HEAD Genève
‘Clouds’, Sainte Anne Gallery, Paris
Forum Mycélium, Saint-André-en-Vivarais
Goûter au Soleil, After Hours, Paris
Beyond the Lab, Domaine de Boisbuchet
Design with The Living, Design Museum London
Paysages du Design, FRAC Orléans
Selected Press